Got Dun Laoghaire related news you would like to share?
Contact Eoin Costello – [email protected]
Myrtle Square update
The surface water drainage works has progressed well this week along Convent Lane from Myrtle Square. This will continue up Convent Lane next week. All diversion works are now complete by the ESB. Now that the ESB diversions are complete, works in Myrtle Square will ramp up significantly. Shortly the lowering of the gas main will be undertaken as well as some foundations for the planters. In addition, some enabling works will take place in advance of the piling for the canopy and a new pedestrian pathway constructed alongside Argos/IMC.
Progress photos of ESB and surface water drainage works can be seen by clicking on the button below.
Why Choose Dun Laoghaire SHOWCASE Day Event
As part of the national Connected Hubs SHOWCASE Day Digital Dun Laoghaire are staging a ‘Why Choose Dun Laoghaire‘ . The event will highlight our town as a great location for investment, innovation driven enterprises and remote workers. It takes place at 11am on April 26th in Glasshouses 2. There is a really interesting lineup of speakers from DLR LEO, Smart Dun Laoghaire, Eoin Costello, Digital Dun Laoghaire, Chad Gilmer Glasshouses and local business owners.
Update on Dun Laoghaire Baths
Councillors at a meeting of DÚN LAOGHAIRE AREA COMMITTEE (DLR County Council) on 4th April 2023 were given a detailed update on the Dun Laoghaire Baths. The report outlines that works to make the Baths fully accessible will proceed in May and are expected to be completed by November. The Council have also decided to bring forward a Part 8 for an open-air seawater pool. It is proposed up upgrade the existing toilets on the East Pier as part of the new Part 8.
Photo credit – Dalkey Open Forum Facebook Page
Dun Laoghaire County Council to Take Action Over Derelict former Internet Cafe
The derelict site at 88B Lower George’s Street is an echo of a forgotten era when we depended on internet cafes for our internet access but now that long closed facility on Lower George’s street has become an eyesore covered with graffiti. It is now firmly in the sights of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.
New café at the Dún Laoghaire baths
Happy Out has revealed that their third location will be set up at the Dún Laoghaire Baths. According to Lovin Dublin the news came on World Down Syndrome Day, which is fitting given Happy Out’s newest café is in partnership with Together Academy, a charity organisation that focuses on training young adults with Down Syndrome for employment. This new partnership is set to ensure there will be an inclusive café at the baths.
Dun Laoghaire educated grad featured in the Sunday Times
In the piece entitled “Model maker who found a niche in Ireland’s booming film industry” (subscription needed to read the full article) model maker Mark Maher talks about how he did a Post Leaving Certificate art course before going to the Institute of Art, Design and Technology.
Local Councillor launches online petition
Councillor Hall has launched a petition to call on Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council to add the derelict Dunnes Stores Buildings (26 – 29 George’s Street Upper) in the centre of Dún Laoghaire Town to the Derelict Sites Register.
According to Cllr Hall these buildings have been vacant and unused for many years and are a blight on our town centre. Despite prominently placed “To Let” signage, there has never been any meaningful effort to let these properties. Instead, the buildings continue to fall into a worsening state of disrepair and dereliction.