Friday | 14th March 2025

Big Changes Proposed for Bus Routes- How will Dún Laoghaire Town be affected?

02. 10. 2018

Dun Laoghaire Town BID highlighted to businesses in our town the recent public consultation at Bloomsfield Shopping Center, Dún Laoghaire, on the new Dublin Bus Redesign proposals called Bus Connects.

The draft plan includes some positive proposals that are much needed and welcomed. From the point of view of the business community in Dún Laoghaire Town the proposed hub and spoke model will see more bus routes converging on major suburban center’s such as Dún Laoghaire and Tallaght which should help increase footfall.  One example of this is the new bus route proposed to run directly from Dún Laoghaire to Sandyford Business District, thereby enabling workers in Sandyford to access the Dart in Dún Laoghaire and to socialise here.

However important issues need to be taken in to account by Bus Connects before finalising their proposals. Residents in Honey Park and Cualanor have not been facilitated in the proposals as they can’t jump on a bus within their estates to Dún Laoghaire town center making it easy for them to avail of the many shops and businesses here.

It is also concerning that Blackrock has been chosen as the link between the Dart and  the hundred of workers based on Pottery Road. Businesses on Pottery Road will lose their direct access to Dún Laoghaire Town under the proposals.

The proposals will see a significant increase in bus traffic which may congest Dún Laoghaire’s main streets, particularity Lr Georges Street which would see 16 buses an hour rolling down it.  This could potentially hinder pedestrian activity and be detrimental to the social amenity of the narrow street.

In our written submission to the public consultation Dún Laoghaire Town BID stressed that it is essential that business owners should be consulted by Bus Connects in more detail on the streets affected in the plan.