Tuesday | 4th March 2025

Corona Virus – Guides & Supports

21. 03. 2020

Corona Virus – Guides & Supports

Brought to you by DunLaoghaireTown.ie

Supported by Bank of Ireland and DLR CoCo

These are unprecedented times for our town with the Corona virus pandemic meaning big changes to our every day lives for the forseeable future.  To help let locals and businesses know what supports are available at this time we have put together the outline below. 

Government/HSE Guidelines for individuals and communities

Posters and resources for communities and businesses Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Thanks to DLR PPN for sharing the HSE digital partner pack with us, it can be downloaded online at:

The digital partner pack contains:
– The most up to date posters on Coronavirus COVID-19 (please display and share these as widely as you can, and please replace any previous posters that you might have used with the updated version)
– Videos that you can share and display
– Leaflets, social media assets and more

Physical distancing graphics for premises floors can be found here: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/472f64-covid-19-coronavirus-guidance-and-advice/#social-distancing-graphics

For the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to:  

Business Supports Available

Helping your business respond to COVID-19

Local Enterprise Offices can provide vouchers to businesses to assist in preparing in the event of any business continuity issues arising.

DLR LEO supports include:

Assistance to help with business continuity and preparedness Discover more

Find out what measures are in place to help employers and employees  Discover more

DBEI is now operating a Business Support Call Centre to advise on the Government supports available to businesses and enterprises that are affected by COVID-19. The Call Centre can be contacted at 00 353 1 631 2002.

The Department has updated the Business Continuity Planning Checklist COVID-19 which identifies some of the key risks to the continuity of your business activities during the outbreak of COVID-19 and of preparatory actions that can be taken to respond.

In addition, on the COVID-19 Supports page on the Department’s website there are numerous links to vital information, supports available and advice to business on dealing with COVID-19.


Update from Southside Partnership

Plato is offering Webinars to Support Businesses During this Difficult Time. For more information: email Marion Walshe on [email protected]

There is a new Business Continuity Voucher – Available through Dun Laoghaire Local Enterprise Office for all businesses with up to 50 employees. https://www.localenterprise.ie/Portal/response/Business-Continuity-Voucher/Business-Continuity-Voucher.html

National COVID-19 Income Support Scheme. Find a summary of these new measures here.

Remote Working. E- Working & Home Workers Allowances There are considerable allowances to support home working. Click here for more details.

Please note that though the Southside Partnership physical offices are closed, they are open and working with all clients to support them, answer questions and provide information. If you have enquiries please contact:

Social Enterprise Development – Helena O’Neill – [email protected]

Enterprise – Esther McGearty – [email protected]

For information on all services see: http://southsidepartnership.ie/

Working remotely for the first time?

Are you a local business that has been forced to put in place remote working for the first time?

Here are some of the questions you need to think about:

– What communication tools you need for working remotely
– Consultations with your team to get them ready to go remote
– Guidance on digitising your business assets
– How to remain productive when working remotely
– Moving the general administrative tasks to the online space

ThinkBusiness.ie has produced a number of useful guides:

What tools do you need to work remotely

How to stay productive while working remotely

What we are doing

Emergency Digital Dún Laoghaire steering group meeting taking place

DunLaoghaireTown.ie is delivered by DigitalHQ clg working with the Digital Dun Laoghaire steering group. Key stakeholders have been called to an emergency meeting of the Digital Dún Laoghaire steering group on March 26th with two items on the agenda:

1. How can we help local businesses respond digitally during the Corona virus pandemic.
2. Once the all clear is given how can we help our town and it business community bounce back through leveraging digital channels and tools.
We hope to put together a coordinated plan to help our town in this challenging time. In the meantime:

Be mindful of your mental health during this time, try to keep to a routine, maintain a healthy, balanced diet, and remember social distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation. – National Public Health Emergency Team

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