Thursday | 6th March 2025

Council announces fund for school cycle parking

28. 03. 2017

Council announces fund for school cycle parking

Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council is delighted to announce that funding is being made available for school cycle parking and scooter parking. Schools are required to apply to the Council and outline what they are doing to promote cycling on the journey to and from school. A review will be made on all applications and the cycle parking and scooter parking will be supplied to the successful schools. All schools in the County have been notified of the initiative. In addition to school cycle parking the Council is also rolling out cycle parking around the County following an allocation of funding by the National Transport Authority.

Cllr Shay Brennan, the Council Cycle Champion and Chair of the Cycle Forum, stated, ‘I welcome this initiative and hope that as many schools as possible will apply. I also welcome the roll out of ‘Cycle Right’ in schools, the National Standard for Cycle Training. The programme, produced and supported by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, the Road Safety Authority and Cycling Ireland, with input from central and local agencies and other groups, will provide practical cycle safety and skills training to school children and will help them become competent and confident cyclists’.

dlr actively promotes cycling as a safe healthy travel mode and is currently developing a number of cycling infrastructure schemes in the County including the Wyattville Road Improvement scheme and Stillorgan Road cycle improvements.  A County Wide Cycle Map and route leaflets are available to help cyclists plan their routes when cycling in the County and can be found at

Further information on Cycling in the Council can be obtained by e-mail at [email protected]