Sunday | 9th March 2025

Dun Laoghaire launches biggest financial district outside IFSC

19. 06. 2015

The first steps of a major 5-year strategic regeneration strategy for Dún Laoghaire town are underway. Today (Thursday 18th June 2015) saw the official launch of the town’s financial and business quarter by the Dún Laoghaire BID (Business Improvement District) company.

With seventy financial businesses located in the town, Dún Laoghaire has the biggest cluster of financial, legal and professional services companies in Ireland outside of the IFSC, employing over 500 people. These include insurance companies, accountancy and legal practises, property services as well as financial and advisory services.

The Dún Laoghaire financial district was officially launched at the first Dún Laoghaire Business to Business exhibition this morning. A dedicated microsite was also launched on the Bid company website – – to assist visitors in sourcing local financial services and related products and skills.

The financial or professional quarter forms part of the Dún Laoghaire Bid company’s 2020 Vision, a five year strategy that will see the town’s main street divided into four separate retail and business quarters in a bid to establish Dún Laoghaire as a leading visitor and shopping destination.

The BID company aims to attract customers from the 135,000-strong population, of mainly professionals, living within a ten minute drive from the town and to encourage them to consider Dún Laoghaire as a viable location to conduct their financial business.

Whilst the Dún Laoghaire Financial Quarter is mainly composed of SME’s, the district is also home to globally-recognised institutions including AIB, New Ireland Assurance and Bank of Ireland.

Since the April launch of the 20:20 Strategic Vision, Dún Laoghaire BID company has begun the process of setting up a Property Forum with landlords who have propert ies on the main street – Georges Street – to begin the process of grouping different retail outlets into themed districts.

Compiled by retail consultants One-Eighty-Degrees, the strategy will see the town’s main street, Georges Street, segmented into four distinctive quarters: (Interiors, Retail, Business/Financial and Cultural/Artisan), each with a concentration of themed offerings.

Each quarter or district will be set apart through the creation of bespoke atmospheric street lighting, diverse pavement design and colour and characteristic outdoor leisure areas.

The ten point strategy is designed to be implemented by 2020 and prioritises the revival of the main street as a crucial factor in regenerating the town.

The BID company is also promoting a Vacant Commercial Premises Grant to give new businesses to open in the town a 18-month ‘Rates Holiday’, which will support the aim of bringing high-quality, excellent stores to the new retail districts.

For more information click here.